Current trade item. Full makeover by Sorg Sorg Sorg up for trade!

Thursday 15 November 2007

A bit of an idiot

I thought i'd share with you readers an incident that happened to me last week that is both quite shocking and amusing at the same time (at least to me it is!).

My wife was giving me a lift to work early one morning. We stopped on the junction at the end of our road waiting to turn right. The car in front of us that had already begun turning decided to change its mind and reverse back sharply. With the result being it reversed right into us. The driver (a male roughly around the age of 18 got out). To begin with he was almost apologetic and started to say that there was no damage. When he took the car forward so that we could see there was a deep scratch on our car. So my wife said "yes there is damage". I still hadn't said anything by this point. I was just stood there thinking "what an idiot for reversing back like that" sort of thing. Now I must have been smirking over this or something like that because the young kid saw me and just started going off his head and abusing me shouting at me and stuff and then said something along the lines of "...i'll smash your head in...". Bearing in mind I still hadn't said anything by this point I did something really stupid. I just responded with 3 words "go on then". After I said this he started giving reasons why he wasn't going to do it "if I didn't have my kid in this car" blah blah. While he continued with his tirade I just wrote down his license plate number.

A passer by rolled down her window and started having a go at the guy. Asking what he thinks he's doing verbally abusing people like this and stuff like that. She asked him if he had any insurance to which he replied no and jumped in his car and zoomed off.

Due to his abusive behaviour we decided to go and report the incident to the police (which was a bit of a drama in itself finally finding someone able to take our statement!).

Other than our trip to Paris that is the only bit of excitement to happen to me since my last post.

Sunday 14 October 2007


I go on holdiday to Paris tomorrow for a few days so you won't be hearing that much from me over the next week or so. However, don't let that stop you offering any items for trade :)

Thursday 11 October 2007

Another VU more complaints

It seems the introduction of this new update has, as always, generated quite a stir. People are upset about the hardware changes they may need to make and about the cost of equipping and unequipping armour/clothing.

Personally I haven't had a proper look into all the new changes myself yet. I am still able to login. I don't seem to have a problem with any of the gfx so I guess my machine is ok and my gfx card must have shader 3.0 or whatever is needed. This is good to know as I bought it brand spanking new in the past 10months or so.

I have gone through the process of remodelling my avatar only to find I cannot equip my oj's without repairing them. Now on principal I refuse to do this and henceforth will roam the landscapes of entropia naked bar a pair of white boxer shorts. I just cannot bring myself to spend money on virtual clothing. As bizarre as it may sound. After all, I begrudge spending money on real life clothing so why buy virtual ones?

The 2 pec decay cost has only surprised me in 1 way. It has surprised me it's taken so long to have something like this implemented. After all real life clothes degrade over time through wear and usage. Therefore so should virtual ones. Yes it is a cunning way for MA to make even more peds but it does also add a sense of realism.

Going back to the whole reason for this blog existing my quest to turn 100 sweat through a series of trades into a hangar may have hit a small term stumbling block. The new update may have caused the costs of full makeovers to increase. If this is the case then sorg and I may have to renegotiate the current trade deal. I may even end up taking a backward step and offering the ambu jacket for trade again (which I must admit looks quite nice after this new vu).

However, this would be a last resort and hopefully it shouldn't come to that.

Monday 8 October 2007

VU 9.0

Version 9.0 is now imminent. According to the entropia login client :

Entropia Universe Version Update 9.0

8 Oct 2007

The Entropia Universe servers will be temporarily unavailable while we implement VU 9.0 between: 2007.10.09 05:30 and 2007.10.09 11:30 UTC We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Now theoretically this should mean that by the time I get home from work tomorrow it should be back up and running with all the fancy new graphics updated. Just to remind all you people I still have the full makeover by sorg up for trade (check out the above banner for exmples of his work).

Any trade offers that I receive immediately after the new vu I will have to deliberate over very carefully and wait until I have spoken with sorg. The reason for this is if the new vu causes increased costs to sorg for doing the same service than I am giving him the option to renegotiate the makeover offer. After all I feel that this is the only fair course of action.

Let's get trading again!

Saturday 22 September 2007

dead and buried?

Well dear readers another 2 weeks have gone by since my last post. Where is my life going too? I am once again extremely busy with work so that is having a knock on effect with the amount of time I can spend within entropia and hence the amount of time promoting 100sweat2ahangar. Today whilst I was promoting it in twin I came across Ben Milky Allen.

Who it turnds out is not only doing the same redpaperclip idea as myself he is doing EXACTLY the same goal 100 sweat into a hangar. Now i'm not sure whether to be flattered by this or feel a little off about it.

Anyways, the guy approahced me in twin with the simple question "why?". Obviously this threw me for a second. It turns out he believes my own quest was dead and buried long ago and wasn't even sure I was the originator of it. He did say that we should both team up but I declined this and wished him luck in his own efforts to trade up to a hangar.

I want to assure all you people out there that this is a long term quest and is still very much alive. One of the main reasons behind me not actively promoting it as much recently is the belief that my current trade item (full makeover by sorg) will only really be tradeable after the next vu when the new avatar enhancement eengine is introduced.

Saturday 8 September 2007

A rather shocking experience

Well dear readers it's been a few days since what I am about to post about happened. I have pretty much calmed myself down now. A few days ago I was out mining near Akmuul. I was perilously close to the contaminated zone whilst I was marking out an area I felt would yield me a decent find. During the course of this I see on the horizon another colonist running towards me chased by a flying drone.

He brings the drone over to me so it starts attacking me and begins to run away again. Irritated by this manouvre I think what a git.So I proceed to run it back to him. Needless to say I stepped over the contaminated zone boundary where in an instant the guy then turned around and shot me. I was stunned and furious with myself for being so stupid. I am still shocked at the underhand way I was robbed. I know a lot of you readers will dispute the severity of the term robbed saying that it's part of the game etc and you shouldn't be near pvp4 blah blah. Personally I agree that it is part of the game. However, I still believe it is robbery. Always have always will. What surprises me though is there was no global message saying I was killed in combat and looted for xyz. Now this should have happened since I was carrying close to 100 ped loot which consisted of a XII ganga find and a X lysterium find if memory serves along with several other bits and bobs. ALL of which was mined OUTSIDE of pvp4. Therefore the argument "well you took the risk" just does not wash with me here. If i'd mined in pvp4 and been shot I would curse myself for a fool and just shrug my shoulders and "accept" being robbed. However, like this it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Thankfully it was for such a low amount it really isn't worth worrying about.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

A trip to the Lakes.

Yesterday the weather was so nice we decided to head to the lakes. Soon enough, we found ourself in the idyllic setting of Lake Windermere. The views were breathtaking as we began approaching Windermere. Finding a parking space wasn't as easy as it sounds! 15 minutes and 2 wrong turns later we finally found a patch of grass 10 minutes' walk from the lake itself. Our day comprised of walking along the lake and we also had a nice meal in a period home turned restaurant. We then decided to head for a lake cruise and chose the Blue Cruise, which is a 45 minutes' spin around the islands. Beautiful water, glorious skies, friendly people waving as we glided past, it was all perfect. However, halfway through, a cloud overshadowed the sun and things got a little chillier. This was a prompt for MIL (mother-in-law) to harp on about going below decks because it was "cold". We didn't allow her to and eventually the sun
re-appeared and all was well. We even had war planes doing menouvres over our heads as we sailed along! As we were sailing we saw this mountain.

I said to the wife "I should tp across and drop a bomb. Bet there are some nice resources there!"

After returning to land, we had a little walk around the shops by the lake, stuffed our faces with ice-creams and picked up a few postcards for FIL (father-in-law). We then stopped off at the amusements before heading back to the car. It was a breath of fresh air to find games costing 10p a go. It brought back a few memories of seaside towns I used to visit as a child! It even had one of my favourite games. The kentucky derby! So while I amused myself for about 10 minutes spending £1 on these machines the Mrs spent £1 for two minutes on House of the Dead 4! Still... she put up a heroic fight, drilling through the undead and shaking them off until her own dying breath. What a girl.

Monday 3 September 2007

A strange signal...

Just a quick post to share with you readers something that I didn't even know could happen! I slipped onto eu this morning to drop a few bombs before going up to the lakes and hit a spaceship. Now the strange thing is It was udner water! I never knew that could happen. But hey you live and learn. At least the drones drowned so it was easy to loot :)

I thought i'd snapped a screenshot but it looks like I didn't :(

The funniest thing!

Well here I go again. I had just written a really long post. Decided I wanted the wife to edit it so highlighted it but before I could copy it it just vanished! "Damn" I thought. Then I realised phew there's a auto save feature it will be there at least even if I means having to rewrite the last few lines. I go into the autosaved bit only to find the post empty! It must have autosaved again after wiping the whole post :o(

What I was hoping to do dear reader is share a very funny episode that happened to me last night whilst out mining. I had decided to visit Palms Corner with the idea of seeking out some zinc.

Upon my arrival there I discovered a purple dot on my radar. It turned out a soc mate had already mined up there. Now I am not a great believer in "you shouldn't mine where other miners have just mined" So I headed SE and started to drop some bombs. Within a few bombs I hit a X zinc find (it may even have been a XII I forget now). Anyway I extract this find pleased with the start and continue on my way. After several more bombs my wife calls me over for dinner. So I log off to go eat.

After relogging in I find a avatar 50-100m in front of me who within a couple of bombs hits a zinc global. I think to myself "would I have hitten that global?". After all it was in my mining path and I would have covered that area. I shrug my shoulders knowing I will never know the answer and begin to mine. I am heading in the same direction I was going before going to dinner which happens to be in the same direction the other avatar was heading.

This avatar (hally I believe) says in global chat "that's so uncool". I'm like "eh?". It turns out hally doesn't believe I should be mining anywhere near him/her and begins a tirade about it. I point out the fact that I was here before him/her and only left to have dinner. This seems to have no effect upon them and they continue to whinge and gripe. I am sat at my keyboard almost in tears i'm laughing so hard. The conversation ends in the lamest of ways. Hally says to me "pity it's not pvp so we could settle this". I just think to myself. Settle what? I never claimed to have a better hunting avatar than him/her or better weaponry. So what is there to settle? What would pvp prove? He/she is the one with the problem.

Sunday 2 September 2007

Return from CND

Well dear readers it is sad to say a lost pretty much everything bar my shirt on CND. I in fact only left myself with enough peds to be able to fly back down with. Even then I was tempted to go spend this and if ned be sweat the cost of the flight down! Thankfully I resisted and made the trip back down.

I just don't know what it is about me and CND. Maybe my avatar is not skilled enough. Maybe the technique I use planetside doesn't work quite as good on CND. WHo knows? Only MA have the answer and they are not saying.

After landing planetside side I raided my storage and sold a lot of my rainy day stock. Enough to buy me a oa101 and 200 bombs and set off into the wilderness. With 25 bombs left of the trip I got the feeling I was ready to global. So I said in soc chat "with these last 25 bombs I will hit a global" or words to that effect. Well I was beginning to think that my prediction would prove false. I stood looking at my last bomb for a moment thinking "how did I not global?" ran forward a little dodged to the left dropped and then BOOM! I hit the following with it:

Only a small one I know but a global none the less. At the end of the day several hundred bombs 1 global 1 large and quite a few X and IX finds later I found myself roughly 200ped up again after markup. It makes no sense to me. Plaentside ore mining I usually at least break even and profit. occassionally i'll make a small loss and very occasionally a big loss (usually when i'm testing new mining theories or doing enmatter too!).

Speaking of which I decided to test someone elses theory out after reading it on ef. I tp'd over to Treasure Island north tp and headed a little NW. Facing West I dropped a bomb and then ran forwqard for 100M and dropped another bomb. I kept doing this without extracting any finds several more times until finally I turned South ran for 150m dropped a bomb turned E and began dropping every 100m. After covering the area I went back to extract my finds (very few of them I may add). On the way to the first one I was wondering "hmm what would double bombing do?" So I began to double bomb. On my second to last bomb I hit a XII cobalt find. Now this baffled me. After all it is in an area already previously covered by my bombing! Oh well best not to dwell on it to much.

Yesterday was my wife's birthday so my Entropia time was limited. Hopefully tomorrow will bring that all elusive tower not that I have finally maxed out the of-105...

PS anyone with a reasonably priced Z20 give me a shout!

PPS The more astute of you may find my last post is a little easier to read and a little bit different to this and previous posts of mine. This is because the length of my last post was such I decided to get my wife to edit it for me to make sure it flowed with the correct punctuation as my grammar gets worse every day!

Friday 31 August 2007


Wow. I cannot believe it's been 17 days since my last blog entry and 7 days since my last EF post (in my thread). Apologies to my daily visitors for not updating this blog any sooner. As always, I have been incredibly busy with work and irl. I finished work on 26th of August for 2 weeks therefore I should be able to update this a little more frequently during this time.

I have taken a step back from promoting 100 sweat for a while due to the imminent release of vu 9.0. where every player will be given the opportunity to recreate the avatar for free. The knock on effects to me and my current trade item are obvious and pretty much typifies the sort of luck I have! In fact my luck is so unexistent I will give a very good example of it later when I'll tell you about my current CND mining experience. Anyway, I don't expect to get any interest in the makeover by sorg until 2-3 weeks after the introduction of the new vu. The form of the trade item may actually change after the new vu. I may need to renegotiate what is on offer with sorg if the cost of performing certain surgeries increase. After all it would not be fair on sorg to hold him to a full makeover if the costs involved suddenly double!

Over the past few weeks I've seen a few more "trade x up to y" threads popping up and the usual kill joys shooting them down due to unoriginality. The title of the thread even says it all; if it bothers you, ignore it and move on! Show some class (or basic intelligence, if all else fails). One in particular that is trying to trade 100 sweat into an apallo springs to mind. Upon first reading it, I thought the thread starter set it up as a tongue in cheek poke at what I am doing. After some posts however, it seems like he is serious about going for it. Good luck to him, it shouldn't be long before he achieves this goal.
After a long hietus where I stayed away from SERIOUSLY mining for a while I am back into it seriously. Since finishing work, I have spent anything between 6 and 10 hours a day mining and lost count of the number of globals I have hit during this time (take note all you people that seem to think I do not actually play this game). One memorable day worth mentioning is when I hit 3 globals in 1 day planetside. 1 52 ped belk 1 72ped Caldorite and 1 160ped gazz.

I think this is the best that I have actually ever done in 1 day. The funny thing is, I expected to hit globals and was disappointed not to get more. I just got the feeling my "luck" was in. Same as the day after, when I didn't expect to hit a global. In fact this proved to be the case. I believe the highest find I hit that day was a XII. My wife would call this the "law of attraction". Which to be honest I always smirk at when she talks of it!

Now after all this mining and believing I had once again got the "feel" of it, I began getting what I call "the itch". "The itch" is the urge to go try my luck at CND. Now the sensible part of me says "no don't do it" but the gambler in me says "go for it you could hit the next ATH!". So packing the profits made from the last few days of mining I head to twin looking for a pilot. In short order I find one and find myself strapped in hurtling through space to CND. After a short stop off at CP I am there and having been told by the pilot his ship is a lucky ship and someone usually globals within 2 minutes of setting foot outside, I feverishly run through to the first teleporter I can find and beam into a dome and start dropping bombs. I keep dropping and dropping and dropping. After 2 sizable finds from 140 bombs I stopped to think (and it hurt as it often does...). I messaged a friend on my fl list and got him to randomly choose domes for me to mine in. Out of the remaining 60 bombs I then hit a 110 ped gazz and several finds XI all from what this friend randomly chose for me. Finally coming off almost even. I will continue mining CND until all my planetside profits are gone before returning back to the planet. So watch this space for a possible tower...

Monday 13 August 2007


I receive several pms a day in entropia forum. Anything from "I love your idea" to "I was thinking of doing this myself do you have any advice to offer?"

I like to receive these comments and feedback both positive and negative and would like to receive a lot more of it. So please don't be shy feel free to get in touch on ef , post a reply in my thread or even post comments on here. Even if you're not interested in trading for the current item on offer but would be interested in the future (assuming I had a trade item you would be interested in of course) then please message me and say something like "hi one2watch. Love your idea. Am not interested in your current trade item but if you ever got a X i'd be willing to trade it for a shadow helmet.." or along those lines. This way I could get an idea of what sort of items people are really itnerested in. Who knows I may even get that item through a trade one day.

Sunday 12 August 2007

Ziplex Z20

I am considering getting back into mining again. It has been a few weeks since I did any real mining and a couple of months since I hit my "lucky" streak.. A 1000ped tt streak in about 3 days which encompassed my highest ever find 394ped Blausarium if memory serves me correctly. The of 211(l) I had been using dried up on me a long time ago and therefore I have decided to look on auction in the hope of finding something better suited to my current skill level. Which is level 7 prospecting or so. I had reached level 10 in the past but made the mistake/wise choice of chipping out and starting again. I still find it painful to see cga in red...

Anyway I was searching auction tonight and the best orefinder suited to my current skill level was/is the Ziplex Z20(l). It has a max search depth of 552.3 which is more favourable than the 211(l) I am using. There's only 1 snag. The price tag! With a tt of 126.20 and a markup in the region of 500%+ I am wondering whether it truly is worth such a hefty investment. Having never used one in the past I am unsure and am a little unwilling to put it to the test right now. The crafting friends i've talked to don't seem to have the bp. Although a high sliiked crafter I know has offered to click the bp for me if I found someone with it. Now I find it highly unlikely that someone with this bp would "loan" it to me for 2 reasons:

1) The fact that this must be a very valuable bp and I probably wouldn;t be able to offer enough collatoral.
2) They would want to click it themselves and charge the high markup it has!

So I will shelve this idea for now and contemplate it some more. Who knows maybe i'm missing out on some Gold/Platinum/Rugaritz finds. Or maybe this sucker still isn't good enough to hit these sorts of deposits and I would maybe only find copper or something. Or maybe it is that my skill level isn't to the required level to find such highly sought after resources...

Friday 10 August 2007


After much deliberation I have placed an advertisement banner on The reasons behind this are pretty obvious.

This was another candidate for my signature banner that someone sent me and I felt looked good but had already decided to use my current signature banner. After seeing how good some advertisements looked at the top of ef I thought it would be ideal for this flaming one to sit there advertising my 100sweat2ahangar thread and generate interest and traffic to it. However, what made me think long and hard before finally making the decision to do this was the "cost" involved in having the banner there. Yes the cost is very little but does it go against the principle of what I am looking to achieve? I deliberated over this a lot but then I got to thinking that kyle advertised many times his oneredpaperclip (all be it in free mediums) . Yet he was willing to travel anywhere to make a trade. These travellings he made will not in the beginning have cost him nothing. Therefore I thought advertising this way is a small price to pay since I have no travel costs within this virtual world we inhabit. I am sure I will receive the odd flaming reply in my thread. However, I would hope the positive responses and the people I will continue to meet on this journey will be just as nice and friendly as the ones I have already traded with and will outweight all the naysayers and disparaging comments I may receiv.

Thursday 9 August 2007

Quiet times

Dear readers,

I can't believe it has been 6 days since my last post of any substance. Do not fear that I have given up the quest of turning 100 sweat into a hangar. Far from it! I have been working extremely hard and long hours in my real life job which has rpevented me spending as much time in entropia as I would like and has of course had a knock on effect on keeping my blog up-to-date. Through this period I have also had a cold which has zapped my strength and at times made it very difficult to concentrate. Therefore I have spent most of my time running from tp to tp and auction house to auction house advertising the blog and the fantastic current trade item on offer by renowned plastic surgeon sorg sorg sorg. I have also been formulating various ideas and contacting fewllow entropians that i believe could help me realise my dream. So dear reader stay tuned for what I hope will be some interesting and new developments in the very near future.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

quick link

just a quick link to my entropiaforum thread for anyone wishing to make trade offers

Friday 3 August 2007

forum signature

After looking at the bland links in my entropiaforum signature I decided to do something about it. However, as I lack any creative skill whatsoever I decided to post a thread on ef asking for help in creating a signature banner. In practically no time at all I had a reply from T2000. I dropped him a pm outlining what I had in mind and sat back and waited. Whilst waiting for a reply from T2000 I received a signature banner in my pm box from Jamhot. It is a great signature banner but unfortunately it wasn't what I was looking for. He had created something that played on my nickname rather than the goal I am looking to achieve. Here's the signature banner created by jamhot.
As you can see it is a great one and I will probably use it on other forums. After returning back from work yesterday I found waiting in my inbox the signature banner created by T2000 it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. However, the shading was slightly off so I sent a message back to T2000. After a couple of tweaks he got it to this
what do you guys think? Comments more than welcome :)

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Full makeover by sorg up for trade!

Hi guys I can finally announce the exciting news! Sorg has agreed to trade for the jacket a full makeover (excluding hair colour). This is a fantastic trade offer and something I really am excited about. I believe it's something that someone out there will truly appreciate. Here's exactly what's on offer (in sorg's own words) :

So, full make over except haircoloring, including:-

Hair: any hairstyle (afro, pony tail...)-

Face: all up to chin-body: fitness, height, skin color, boobs

Normal prices for all that would normally be : 150 for hair, 75 for body, 120 for face, so 345ped, but i always do some discount when ppl taking lot of things, so more around 280-300ped.

Here's a few before and after pictures I have lifted out of another ef thread

Monday 30 July 2007

exciting developments

After a little negotiation I have entered into an agreement to trade the berlin jacket for something that I feel will generate quite some interest. I have already tentatively contacted a few people that I feel would be interested in the next trade item to see whether they'd be irtested in trading. I await their replies eagerly. I dislike being so secretive but i'll wait until it is ufficially unveiled in my thread before commenting more on the next trade :)


Have just tweaked the blogs settings and found that comments were switched off or at best restricted. Have hopefully changed that now so any of you can post comments! So don't be shy let me hear from you :)

Thursday 26 July 2007


I'm pretty overwhelmed with the response that 100 sweat to a hangar has already generated and pretty much bowled over with the trades i've made so far. I even got introduced to avatar elfyne elfyne acronym who is a real life artist and also does ingame pieces. I highly recommend a visit to her gallery at sakura city tp Sachi building 8d. It has some breathtaking pieces which I believe are also available for purchase.

trade 6

After trading with trance I messaged psycho al and met him at hades C for a change of scenery. I traded the dak stalker traded for a uncoloured berlin jacket (M). I am really excited about this item. Especially after reading the news about the new gfx engine that MA has announced. It sounds like this item will look even better once that engine is released.

trade 5

I found this a very intiguing offer. I have no experience of pets within eu and wasn't sure whether it would be a tradeable commidity. All my friends I talked to told me not to accept the trade as they said there's no way a dak stalker is worth 50ped and it was a bum deal. While I was still mulling it over a offer came in for a 153ped jacket in exchange fo rthe dak. Needles to say this took the decision right out of my hands and I duly messaged both parties accepting the relevant trades. Eventually after several attempts trance and I met up and made the trade.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

trade 4

Boy am I knackered. After agreeing in principle to trade the emik s30(l) for gremlin arm guards M I was constantly checking ef for a reply from Bogette. After missing each other once we agreed to meet up 4am MA time. Which meant I had to set my alarm for 5am to be able to be on to make the trade! My alarm duly went off and I logged on made the trade and went back to bed. However, because of all the excitment it took me a little while to get back to sleep again. Now this in itself wouldn't be to bad but I had already had to get up at 2am my time to take my dog to the toilet. Grrr. Anyways. Hopefully the next trade will be at a more godly hour! :)

Monday 23 July 2007

trade 3

Before I had time to catch breath I received a trade offer from a guy named Bones offering a emik s30(l) for the shirt and paint although there was still time for another bashing post to appear. However, I managed to refrain myself and didn't dignify it with the response it deserved. Within hours of receiving the offer from Bones I had met up and made the trade. I felt a great sense of satisfaction. After all, after only 3 trades, I had an item worth 5.20ped available to trade.

trade 2

After a few posts by someone that obviously doesn't understand what sarcasm is I received an offer for the dung. A exa leather shirt Male worth 3.46ped tt value from norbert and a minor nerve blast chip from norbert. Thinking that people would be more likely to want to trade a shirt than a nerve blast chip I messaged norbert and arranged a meet to make the trade (he also through in 5 orange paint cans to be used in colouring the shirt). Not only did I make a good trade I believe I may have already made a new friend. Norbert is pleasant and fun to talk to so already things are going well.

trade 1

After a few well wishes and a few not so well wishing posts I finally received my first offer from that weeks avatar of the week. Lykke the nun. I was excited. I was frantically trying to figure out how much 80 dung was worth in the current market but having not dealt in dung that much I had no clue. But I thought hey this is a ava of the week it must be a decent enough trade so I accepted. As it turns out 80 dung is only worth about 8pec as opposed to 70pec for the sweat but what the hell it was a trade. The first trade. lykke Also threw in 80 fruit as well so it turned out to be a really good trade in the end.

so it begins

If you are reading this blog you probably already know by now what it is all about but for those of you that don't here is a brief description and a little bit more about me.

I am involved in a online game (sorry universe) called Entropia universe( I was born there roughly about 1 Sept 2006. When I first started out all I really saw was a see of white (my gfx card wasn'sophisticated enough to handle eu correctly). I spent a few weeks in this state until I upgraded my gfx card and finally saw what PA actually looked like! After getting used to the controls I set about discovering eudoria and started to sweat. It took me a full week to get myself 1k sweat which I managed to sell for 10ped. Like all new peoples I was excited with this new found wealth and swiftly ran to the tt and bought myself basic mining equipment (enmatter) and some probes. I still remember the excitement when I found my first considerable oil find North of PA and was feverishly mining it for a good 10 minutes at least! lol If only I had that excitement now. Maybe if I was to hit a 1k find or more that child like innocence would come back. Who knows. Anyway to cut a long story short i'll fast forward to the present. I am part of the society NBK Engineers and concentrate my time on crafting and mining. However, recently I found entropia getting a little stale. I was trying to think of ways I could liven things up a little. Then it hit me! Why not try to do what the paper clip guy did but within entropia?!? So here it is my attempt to trade all the way from 100 sweat to a hangar. I may not get there but at least I will hopefully get to meet some interesting characters along the way.