Current trade item. Full makeover by Sorg Sorg Sorg up for trade!

Thursday 15 November 2007

A bit of an idiot

I thought i'd share with you readers an incident that happened to me last week that is both quite shocking and amusing at the same time (at least to me it is!).

My wife was giving me a lift to work early one morning. We stopped on the junction at the end of our road waiting to turn right. The car in front of us that had already begun turning decided to change its mind and reverse back sharply. With the result being it reversed right into us. The driver (a male roughly around the age of 18 got out). To begin with he was almost apologetic and started to say that there was no damage. When he took the car forward so that we could see there was a deep scratch on our car. So my wife said "yes there is damage". I still hadn't said anything by this point. I was just stood there thinking "what an idiot for reversing back like that" sort of thing. Now I must have been smirking over this or something like that because the young kid saw me and just started going off his head and abusing me shouting at me and stuff and then said something along the lines of "...i'll smash your head in...". Bearing in mind I still hadn't said anything by this point I did something really stupid. I just responded with 3 words "go on then". After I said this he started giving reasons why he wasn't going to do it "if I didn't have my kid in this car" blah blah. While he continued with his tirade I just wrote down his license plate number.

A passer by rolled down her window and started having a go at the guy. Asking what he thinks he's doing verbally abusing people like this and stuff like that. She asked him if he had any insurance to which he replied no and jumped in his car and zoomed off.

Due to his abusive behaviour we decided to go and report the incident to the police (which was a bit of a drama in itself finally finding someone able to take our statement!).

Other than our trip to Paris that is the only bit of excitement to happen to me since my last post.

Sunday 14 October 2007


I go on holdiday to Paris tomorrow for a few days so you won't be hearing that much from me over the next week or so. However, don't let that stop you offering any items for trade :)

Thursday 11 October 2007

Another VU more complaints

It seems the introduction of this new update has, as always, generated quite a stir. People are upset about the hardware changes they may need to make and about the cost of equipping and unequipping armour/clothing.

Personally I haven't had a proper look into all the new changes myself yet. I am still able to login. I don't seem to have a problem with any of the gfx so I guess my machine is ok and my gfx card must have shader 3.0 or whatever is needed. This is good to know as I bought it brand spanking new in the past 10months or so.

I have gone through the process of remodelling my avatar only to find I cannot equip my oj's without repairing them. Now on principal I refuse to do this and henceforth will roam the landscapes of entropia naked bar a pair of white boxer shorts. I just cannot bring myself to spend money on virtual clothing. As bizarre as it may sound. After all, I begrudge spending money on real life clothing so why buy virtual ones?

The 2 pec decay cost has only surprised me in 1 way. It has surprised me it's taken so long to have something like this implemented. After all real life clothes degrade over time through wear and usage. Therefore so should virtual ones. Yes it is a cunning way for MA to make even more peds but it does also add a sense of realism.

Going back to the whole reason for this blog existing my quest to turn 100 sweat through a series of trades into a hangar may have hit a small term stumbling block. The new update may have caused the costs of full makeovers to increase. If this is the case then sorg and I may have to renegotiate the current trade deal. I may even end up taking a backward step and offering the ambu jacket for trade again (which I must admit looks quite nice after this new vu).

However, this would be a last resort and hopefully it shouldn't come to that.

Monday 8 October 2007

VU 9.0

Version 9.0 is now imminent. According to the entropia login client :

Entropia Universe Version Update 9.0

8 Oct 2007

The Entropia Universe servers will be temporarily unavailable while we implement VU 9.0 between: 2007.10.09 05:30 and 2007.10.09 11:30 UTC We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Now theoretically this should mean that by the time I get home from work tomorrow it should be back up and running with all the fancy new graphics updated. Just to remind all you people I still have the full makeover by sorg up for trade (check out the above banner for exmples of his work).

Any trade offers that I receive immediately after the new vu I will have to deliberate over very carefully and wait until I have spoken with sorg. The reason for this is if the new vu causes increased costs to sorg for doing the same service than I am giving him the option to renegotiate the makeover offer. After all I feel that this is the only fair course of action.

Let's get trading again!

Saturday 22 September 2007

dead and buried?

Well dear readers another 2 weeks have gone by since my last post. Where is my life going too? I am once again extremely busy with work so that is having a knock on effect with the amount of time I can spend within entropia and hence the amount of time promoting 100sweat2ahangar. Today whilst I was promoting it in twin I came across Ben Milky Allen.

Who it turnds out is not only doing the same redpaperclip idea as myself he is doing EXACTLY the same goal 100 sweat into a hangar. Now i'm not sure whether to be flattered by this or feel a little off about it.

Anyways, the guy approahced me in twin with the simple question "why?". Obviously this threw me for a second. It turns out he believes my own quest was dead and buried long ago and wasn't even sure I was the originator of it. He did say that we should both team up but I declined this and wished him luck in his own efforts to trade up to a hangar.

I want to assure all you people out there that this is a long term quest and is still very much alive. One of the main reasons behind me not actively promoting it as much recently is the belief that my current trade item (full makeover by sorg) will only really be tradeable after the next vu when the new avatar enhancement eengine is introduced.

Saturday 8 September 2007

A rather shocking experience

Well dear readers it's been a few days since what I am about to post about happened. I have pretty much calmed myself down now. A few days ago I was out mining near Akmuul. I was perilously close to the contaminated zone whilst I was marking out an area I felt would yield me a decent find. During the course of this I see on the horizon another colonist running towards me chased by a flying drone.

He brings the drone over to me so it starts attacking me and begins to run away again. Irritated by this manouvre I think what a git.So I proceed to run it back to him. Needless to say I stepped over the contaminated zone boundary where in an instant the guy then turned around and shot me. I was stunned and furious with myself for being so stupid. I am still shocked at the underhand way I was robbed. I know a lot of you readers will dispute the severity of the term robbed saying that it's part of the game etc and you shouldn't be near pvp4 blah blah. Personally I agree that it is part of the game. However, I still believe it is robbery. Always have always will. What surprises me though is there was no global message saying I was killed in combat and looted for xyz. Now this should have happened since I was carrying close to 100 ped loot which consisted of a XII ganga find and a X lysterium find if memory serves along with several other bits and bobs. ALL of which was mined OUTSIDE of pvp4. Therefore the argument "well you took the risk" just does not wash with me here. If i'd mined in pvp4 and been shot I would curse myself for a fool and just shrug my shoulders and "accept" being robbed. However, like this it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Thankfully it was for such a low amount it really isn't worth worrying about.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

A trip to the Lakes.

Yesterday the weather was so nice we decided to head to the lakes. Soon enough, we found ourself in the idyllic setting of Lake Windermere. The views were breathtaking as we began approaching Windermere. Finding a parking space wasn't as easy as it sounds! 15 minutes and 2 wrong turns later we finally found a patch of grass 10 minutes' walk from the lake itself. Our day comprised of walking along the lake and we also had a nice meal in a period home turned restaurant. We then decided to head for a lake cruise and chose the Blue Cruise, which is a 45 minutes' spin around the islands. Beautiful water, glorious skies, friendly people waving as we glided past, it was all perfect. However, halfway through, a cloud overshadowed the sun and things got a little chillier. This was a prompt for MIL (mother-in-law) to harp on about going below decks because it was "cold". We didn't allow her to and eventually the sun
re-appeared and all was well. We even had war planes doing menouvres over our heads as we sailed along! As we were sailing we saw this mountain.

I said to the wife "I should tp across and drop a bomb. Bet there are some nice resources there!"

After returning to land, we had a little walk around the shops by the lake, stuffed our faces with ice-creams and picked up a few postcards for FIL (father-in-law). We then stopped off at the amusements before heading back to the car. It was a breath of fresh air to find games costing 10p a go. It brought back a few memories of seaside towns I used to visit as a child! It even had one of my favourite games. The kentucky derby! So while I amused myself for about 10 minutes spending £1 on these machines the Mrs spent £1 for two minutes on House of the Dead 4! Still... she put up a heroic fight, drilling through the undead and shaking them off until her own dying breath. What a girl.