Current trade item. Full makeover by Sorg Sorg Sorg up for trade!

Sunday 14 October 2007


I go on holdiday to Paris tomorrow for a few days so you won't be hearing that much from me over the next week or so. However, don't let that stop you offering any items for trade :)

Thursday 11 October 2007

Another VU more complaints

It seems the introduction of this new update has, as always, generated quite a stir. People are upset about the hardware changes they may need to make and about the cost of equipping and unequipping armour/clothing.

Personally I haven't had a proper look into all the new changes myself yet. I am still able to login. I don't seem to have a problem with any of the gfx so I guess my machine is ok and my gfx card must have shader 3.0 or whatever is needed. This is good to know as I bought it brand spanking new in the past 10months or so.

I have gone through the process of remodelling my avatar only to find I cannot equip my oj's without repairing them. Now on principal I refuse to do this and henceforth will roam the landscapes of entropia naked bar a pair of white boxer shorts. I just cannot bring myself to spend money on virtual clothing. As bizarre as it may sound. After all, I begrudge spending money on real life clothing so why buy virtual ones?

The 2 pec decay cost has only surprised me in 1 way. It has surprised me it's taken so long to have something like this implemented. After all real life clothes degrade over time through wear and usage. Therefore so should virtual ones. Yes it is a cunning way for MA to make even more peds but it does also add a sense of realism.

Going back to the whole reason for this blog existing my quest to turn 100 sweat through a series of trades into a hangar may have hit a small term stumbling block. The new update may have caused the costs of full makeovers to increase. If this is the case then sorg and I may have to renegotiate the current trade deal. I may even end up taking a backward step and offering the ambu jacket for trade again (which I must admit looks quite nice after this new vu).

However, this would be a last resort and hopefully it shouldn't come to that.

Monday 8 October 2007

VU 9.0

Version 9.0 is now imminent. According to the entropia login client :

Entropia Universe Version Update 9.0

8 Oct 2007

The Entropia Universe servers will be temporarily unavailable while we implement VU 9.0 between: 2007.10.09 05:30 and 2007.10.09 11:30 UTC We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Now theoretically this should mean that by the time I get home from work tomorrow it should be back up and running with all the fancy new graphics updated. Just to remind all you people I still have the full makeover by sorg up for trade (check out the above banner for exmples of his work).

Any trade offers that I receive immediately after the new vu I will have to deliberate over very carefully and wait until I have spoken with sorg. The reason for this is if the new vu causes increased costs to sorg for doing the same service than I am giving him the option to renegotiate the makeover offer. After all I feel that this is the only fair course of action.

Let's get trading again!