Current trade item. Full makeover by Sorg Sorg Sorg up for trade!

Saturday 8 September 2007

A rather shocking experience

Well dear readers it's been a few days since what I am about to post about happened. I have pretty much calmed myself down now. A few days ago I was out mining near Akmuul. I was perilously close to the contaminated zone whilst I was marking out an area I felt would yield me a decent find. During the course of this I see on the horizon another colonist running towards me chased by a flying drone.

He brings the drone over to me so it starts attacking me and begins to run away again. Irritated by this manouvre I think what a git.So I proceed to run it back to him. Needless to say I stepped over the contaminated zone boundary where in an instant the guy then turned around and shot me. I was stunned and furious with myself for being so stupid. I am still shocked at the underhand way I was robbed. I know a lot of you readers will dispute the severity of the term robbed saying that it's part of the game etc and you shouldn't be near pvp4 blah blah. Personally I agree that it is part of the game. However, I still believe it is robbery. Always have always will. What surprises me though is there was no global message saying I was killed in combat and looted for xyz. Now this should have happened since I was carrying close to 100 ped loot which consisted of a XII ganga find and a X lysterium find if memory serves along with several other bits and bobs. ALL of which was mined OUTSIDE of pvp4. Therefore the argument "well you took the risk" just does not wash with me here. If i'd mined in pvp4 and been shot I would curse myself for a fool and just shrug my shoulders and "accept" being robbed. However, like this it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Thankfully it was for such a low amount it really isn't worth worrying about.

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